Wednesday, December 25, 2013

0 Turning a Profit From Your Internet Marketing: Is It Possible?

Link building was an essential activity that people used to do routinely. Google made it mandatory for people to acquire links only from relevant sources. Social Media - New Mantra in Online Marketing
Social media is playing an important role in improving online presence of a brand or business. Mobile Presence
A major chunk of internet users are mobile users who prefer to browse web or do everyday social media activities and shopping through mobile only. SEO and Online Marketing industry is changing every day. Websites with quality SEO and link building practices never get penalized by Google. Easy Submission offers organic search engine optimization, affordable SEO packages, search engine SEO, SEO and SEM package, online reputation management packages, directory submission service, blog seo services and off page optimization globally.

Guest blogging is one of the most effective ways of driving traffic to your website. High Quality Inbound Links
The most important benefit of guest blogging is that it can gain inbound links for you with ease, all of which are authoritative as well. If you get a chance to post on a popular blog, go for it but remember that it would take days for the blog to publish your content. Using the keywords as the anchor text on your guest post can help you in getting a link back to your blog or website naturally that is not prohibited by Google Panda. Referral Traffic
another of the benefits of guest blogging is that you attract the attention of the readers towards you. The traffic that you gain this way is called referral traffic. Connections with Popular and Successful Blogs
A lesser known benefit of guest blogging is that it can help you in making connections with the big boys in the blogging world.
Internet marketing promises that you can earn money. Most people I speak to have bought tens or even hundreds of products that have promised to make their fortune in internet marketing,
Some have spent hundreds or even thousands of dollars on coaching.
Almost always, they've spent more than they've made. Even the methods that appear to be selling 100% snake oil probably work or, at least, have worked in the past.
There's nothing wrong with that if it's your intention.
Your choice.
Currently you've probably made the first of those two choices, even if you don't care to admit it.
Likewise there's no point in drooling over the potential visitors from YouTube if the thought of speaking out loud and recording a video - even if it doesn't show your face - fills you with dread.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

0 Only One Target Market

There is really only one target market in any marketing campaign - and yes, the beggar with the sign is engaged in a marketing campaign. Please help." Some signs may say, Veteran or Viet Nam Veteran or Homeless.
Let's forget ethics for a moment and focus on marketing elements.
The sign:
Most beggars use cardboard. Yellow and black signs are the most visible. If a beggar were to spend a little bit of that hard earned money on a piece of durable yellow sign plastic, he or she would have a sign that would last a year or more. The message:
When a beggar writes, "I'm hungry" - who is that about? Conclusion:
Give a copy to the next beggar you see.
What is up with Google?
Google has had it with what Google sees as manipulation of the rules. "The Goal of the Google" is to stop manipulation while increasing the quality of content - and rewarding good, solid, deep, real content with higher search results.
The Google Angle of attack:
Are you a person who watched Google's attempts at Google Places, Google Docs and Google's social network as clumsy or just too late to the party? For example, Google+ is a renaming and remodeling of what was Google Places. Are you registered with Google+?
If you go to Google and search "life insurance, Ann Arbor, MI" you will clearly see the power of Google+ - there they are - the insurance agents with a Google+ account!
Quality content is no longer (and never was) about keywords.
I hear the same message repeated like my mother repeatedly reminding me as a child to clean my room, "Succeeding in this business is 95% mindset." If you're big reason for being in network marketing is to truly get that red Ferrari then write it down and work towards that vision, and it helps if you know WHY you want that Ferrari. The next step is nothing more than PURE personal development every single day from that moment forward.